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Send/Receive task vs Throw/Catch Message events in Oracle BPM

In Oracle BPM "Service task" is used for invoking Synchronous web-service calls. It wont be useful for Asynchronous service calls.

To deal with  Asynchronous service calls,  Send/Receive or Throw/Catch events need to be used.

There are few differences and similarities between Send/Receive and Throw/Catch Message events. Please have a look at them below.

Send/Receive Task Throw/Catch Message Events
Can it be used to initiate task? Yes Yes
Can it be used to call/invoke Synchronous services/processes? No No
Can it be used to call/invoke Asynchronous services/processes? Yes Yes
Does correlation/conversation need to be set to deal with Asynchronous tasks? Yes Yes
Can it have boundary events associated to it? Yes No
Can these pair be used to create synchronous process /service? Yes Yes
Can these pair be used to create Asynchronous process /service? Yes Yes

Send and Receive task example with boundary events attached to it can be found here.


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